To calculate the probabilities α and β, we need to know the true underlying distribution of workpieces, as well as a decision rule. Table 1 gives the α and β probabilities for the 14253-1 rule both with and without the Bayesian adjustment for the two examples of the Sec. 3. We have also included the cost of the decision rule (as a percentage of the unit workpiece cost) for the case where Type I costs are 15 times larger than Type II costs. For these calculations we assumed that the underlying population is a Gaussian distribution and centered in the conformance zone and with standard deviation upe. This amounts to assuming that the prior distribution used in the Bayesian rule is the true underlying distribution. Also note that the Type I probabilities (alpha) are all less than 0.001. Such small probabilities are heavily dependent on the tail behavior of the Gaussian distribution, which might not be valid in the real world. However, these small probabilities do not significantly affect the cost estimates we present in Table 1.
The project centered around holding meetings in Kathmandu with Unicode representatives and Nepal Bhasa user community members, particularly members from the group Nepal Lipi Guthi, which promotes the Nepal Bhasa language. The goal was to help progress script proposals for two scripts of Nepal, "Prachalit Nepal" and Ranjana, so they become part of the international standard and can ultimately be accessible for Wikimedia projects and for general and scholarly use.
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